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SLP Program

Shared Leadership Team Program

Become a shared leadership team by: 


  • Intentionally building relationships and trust

  • Collectively establishing core mindsets, practices, and agreements 

  • Identifying a sustainable approach to leadership and governance

  • Embracing a common goal that will inspire each and every teammate  

  • Learning how to think, plan, and act as a team 

Assessment Model

Prior to the workshop SLP will co-develop a research plan and a proposal with the client. The research plan may include conducting interviews, surveys, dialogue sessions, and/or other methods to collect relevant data. A draft proposal will be based on a report of findings generated from the research. 

The final proposal will utilize Sociocracy – a decision-making tool grounded in rounds of discussion, objections, and consent. The discussions will include reaching clarification and an understanding of the proposal, expressing first reactions, sharing changes of opinion, overcoming objections, and achieving consent. 

Building Team Relationships and Trust

  • Develop personal story (day one) and present (day two)  

  • Identify realistic cultural shifts (day one) and present (day two)

  • Recognize transformative cultural shifts (day one) and present (day two)

  • Craft an action plan (day one) and agree on and document plans (day two)

Building Team Practices and Accountability 

  • Teammates discuss, understand, and define sustainable learning practices

  • Identify and agree on relevant sustainable mindsets and practices

  • Identify and agree on relevant sustainable habits and behaviors

  • Label team sustainable learning practices 

  • Create a plan for upholding shared agreements and practices

Building Sustainable Leadership Strategies

  • Teammates will be asked to review sustainable leadership materials 

  • Learn about shared leadership theories and concepts

  • Discuss leadership mindsets, standards, and strategies 

  • Identify strategies that inspire, organize, and serve

  • Agree on strategies that will work for the team

  • Discover how to share the leadership workload

Building Shared Leadership Teams  

Everybody on a shared leadership team is a leader. Robert Greenleaf referred to this model of leadership as a "line of leaders" with a "first among equals" mentality – each taking the helm when their expertise is needed. Teammates will participate in team-building exercises informed by the agreements and work completed in the previous workshops. The team will make a commitment to a common goal and determine leadership objectives, roles, responsibilities, duties, tasks, and more.

Program Certification

The shared leadership team program involves mastering the art of facilitating decision-making through Sociocracy, building intentional relationships, and creating team accountability. This certification will provide teams with the internal skills and abilities to form additional shared leadership teams if applicable. Certification will provide the momentum to build, maintain, and manage a sustainable learning environment.

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